Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies Platform
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Articles on Childhood

DOI: 11.5040/ArticlesonChildhood

In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, childhood is defined as the age range from birth to the age of 12. This resource explores and details the experiences of children from a diverse range of regional contexts. As well as providing an overview and the historical context of childhood, the articles engage with the major developments in theoretical approaches to childhood studies, methodology, and the diversity of research in the field.

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Biographical Entry

Wendy Marie Cumming-Potvin

Biographical Entry

Wendy Bannerman

Biographical Entry

Rosi Enroos, Anna Siippainen and Katja Repo

Biographical Entry

José Francisco Martínez

Biographical Entry

Marit Ursin and Ida M. Lyså

Biographical Entry

Gisela Unterweger

Biographical Entry

Binnur Yıldırım Hacıibrahimoğlu

Biographical Entry

Jeffrey Wood

Biographical Entry

Marwa Allam and Mustafa Toprak

Biographical Entry

Uvanney Maylor

Biographical Entry

Luz Maria Stella Moreno-Medrano and Ernesto Treviño Villarreal

Biographical Entry

Teresa Terrón-Caro and Rocío Cárdenas-Rodríguez

Biographical Entry

Esra Akgul and Berrin Akman

Biographical Entry

Xiaoxiao Du and Wendy A. Crocker

Biographical Entry

Maryanne Theobald

Biographical Entry

Eman Maher Harb and Mustafa Toprak

Biographical Entry

Konstantina Tsoli

Biographical Entry

Mariko Ishiguro

Biographical Entry

Heidi Fritz-Macías

Biographical Entry

Neslihan Güney Karaman and Nevra Atış Akyol

Biographical Entry

Pamela Malins

Biographical Entry

Frances Hall

Biographical Entry

Outi Ylitapio-Mäntylä

Biographical Entry

Dionysios Gouvias

Biographical Entry

Christa Kappler

Biographical Entry

Aysel (Esen) Çoban and Tülay Ilhan

Biographical Entry

Philip D. Jaffé, Jean Zermatten and Özlem Lakatos

Biographical Entry

Fulya Ezmeci and Berrin Akman

Biographical Entry

Gabriela Arias de Sanchez

Biographical Entry

Ithar Hassaballa and Ruaa Hassaballa

Biographical Entry

Ruth Mugo Kahiga

Biographical Entry

Robyn M. Holmes

Biographical Entry

Larry Prochner

Biographical Entry

Nalan Arabacı

Biographical Entry

Elisabeth M. Yang

Biographical Entry

Indika Liyanage

Biographical Entry

Anna Kirova

Biographical Entry

Ithar Hassaballa, Hassaballa Omar Hassaballa and Ruaa Hassaballa

Biographical Entry

Heidi Harju-Luukkainen

Biographical Entry

Celia Mancillas Bazán and María Elena Figueroa Díaz

Biographical Entry

Ida M. Lyså and Marit Ursin

Biographical Entry

Dilek Altun

Biographical Entry

Pam Whitty, Rachael Bell and Melanie Cortes

Biographical Entry

Marigen Narea and Marjorie Murray

Biographical Entry

Kay Calver

Biographical Entry

Marco Antonio Delgado-Fuentes

Biographical Entry

Teresa Terrón-Caro and Rocío Cárdenas-Rodríguez

Biographical Entry

Şenay Özen Altınkaynak

Biographical Entry

Cindy Dell Clark

Biographical Entry

Marianne McTavish

Biographical Entry

Ruaa Hassaballa and Ithar Hassaballa

Biographical Entry

Kay Calver

Biographical Entry

Enna Toikka and Mia Hakovirta

Biographical Entry

Gisela Unterweger

Biographical Entry

Gizem Engin and Salih Zeki Genç

Biographical Entry

Juliana Mohok McLaughlin and June Perkins

Biographical Entry

Lisa van Leent and Kerryann Walsh

Biographical Entry

Tuija Huuki and Armi Kurkikangas

Biographical Entry

Fernando Salinas-Quiroz

Biographical Entry

Neslihan Güney Karaman and Selda Ata Doğan

Biographical Entry

Andrea Saldivar Reyes and Josué Guzmán Zamora

Biographical Entry

Saliha Çetin Sultanoğlu and Müdriye Yildiz Biçakci

Biographical Entry

Cindy Dell Clark and Nidhi Baxi

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