Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies Platform
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Articles on Early Childhood Education

DOI: 11.5040/ArticlesonEarlyChildhoodEducation

In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, early childhood education (ECE) is defined as being the education of children before they start school (UNESCO ISCED 0 classification), or children aged 0 to UNESCO ISCED 1 classification. These articles offer a significant contribution to raising awareness and improving understanding about the value of ECE, delivered through an accessible global platform.

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Biographical Entry

Hani Yulindrasari

Biographical Entry

Karin Hognestad

Biographical Entry

Wu Pinhui Sandra

Biographical Entry

Sandra Hesterman

Biographical Entry

Iris Berger

Biographical Entry

Michelle Sogga, Julie Beams and Abigail Gosling

Biographical Entry

Salla Fjällström, Maiju Paananen and Kirsti Karila

Biographical Entry

Adriana Dragone Silveira

Biographical Entry

Kimberley Kong

Biographical Entry

Claudia Osiris Martínez Valle

Biographical Entry

Andrew Gibbons

Biographical Entry

Arif Yilmaz, Figen Sahin and Muge Sen

Biographical Entry

Julie Beams, Abigail Gosling and Michelle Sogga

Biographical Entry

Rosa Guadalupe Mendoza-Zuany and Marco Antonio Delgado-Fuentes

Biographical Entry

Z. Fulya Temel, K. Büşra Kaynak-Ekici and H. Merve İmir

Biographical Entry

Julie Beams, Abigail Gosling and Michelle Sogga

Biographical Entry

Elif Celebi Oncu and Ayse Hicret Guduk

Biographical Entry

Julie Beams, Abigail Gosling and Michelle Sogga

Biographical Entry

Arcelia Martínez Bordón and Marco Antonio Delgado-Fuentes

Biographical Entry

Maiju Paananen

Biographical Entry

Deborah Pino-Pasternak

Biographical Entry

Luigi Iannacci

Biographical Entry

Mohamed Rizkallah

Biographical Entry

Abigail Gosling, Julie Beams and Michelle Sogga

Biographical Entry

Mariko Ishiguro

Biographical Entry

Maria Alicia Bustos-Orosa

Biographical Entry

Mesut Saçkes and Sonnur Işıtan

Biographical Entry

Tori K. Flint

Biographical Entry

Randa Khattar, Karyn Callaghan and Emma Cooper

Biographical Entry

Michelle Sogga, Julie Beams and Abigail Gosling

Biographical Entry

Burcu Özdemir Beceren and Gülden Uyanik Balat

Biographical Entry

Michelle Sogga, Julie Beams and Abigail Gosling

Biographical Entry

Antti Paakkari, Maiju Paananen and Hanna Toivonen

Biographical Entry

Liv Torunn Eik and Gerd Sylvi Steinnes

Biographical Entry

Sandra Hesterman

Biographical Entry

Kelly-Ann MacAlpine and Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw

Biographical Entry

Marigen Narea and Felipe Godoy

Biographical Entry

Abigail Gosling, Julie Beams and Michelle Sogga

Biographical Entry

Kirsti Karila

Biographical Entry

Kimberley Kong

Biographical Entry

Marco Antonio Delgado-Fuentes

Biographical Entry

Karin Hognestad

Biographical Entry

Maria Alicia Bustos-Orosa

Biographical Entry

Elena Lenskaya

Biographical Entry

Berrin Akman and Mine Canan Durmuşoğlu

Biographical Entry

Jude MacArthur, Tara McLaughlan and Michael Gaffney

Biographical Entry

Michelle Sogga, Julie Beams and Abigail Gosling

Biographical Entry

Andrea Saldivar Reyes and Josué Guzmán Zamora

Biographical Entry

Jim Anderson, Ann Anderson and Mahshid Ghaffartehrani

Biographical Entry

Alaa Badran and Mustafa Toprak

Biographical Entry

Abigail Gosling, Julie Beams and Michelle Sogga

Biographical Entry

Kirsti Karila and Laura Rantavuori

Biographical Entry

Hilde Dehnæs Hogsnes, Reidun Larsen and June Berger Storli

Biographical Entry

Boitumelo Molebogeng Diale

Biographical Entry

Berrin Akman and Dila Nur Yazici

Biographical Entry

Krysta Murillo

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