Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies Platform
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Articles on Youth

DOI: 11.5040/ArticlesonYouth

In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, youth is defined as from the age of 13 to the age of 21. Including studies and data on youth experiences and perspectives, quantitative trends, qualitative data, these articles will provide current data on the social contexts that impact youth such as education, employment, social and income inequality and poverty, politics, and citizenship in each given country.

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Biographical Entry

Yahia Baiza

Biographical Entry

Wendy Marie Cumming-Potvin

Biographical Entry

Hiba Barek, Immaculate Kizito Namukasa and Amber White

Biographical Entry

Rasha Ghazi

Biographical Entry

Tomi Kiilakoski and Niina Mäntylä

Biographical Entry

Sheau Yean Aai

Biographical Entry

Julie Ane Odegaard Borge

Biographical Entry

Sandra García de Fez

Biographical Entry

Marja Peltola and Antti Kivijärvi

Biographical Entry

Pamela Malins

Biographical Entry

Yvonne Kosma and Aliki Kosyfologou

Biographical Entry

Sevgi Kingir

Biographical Entry

Ibrahim M. Karkouti

Biographical Entry

Shemine Gulamhusein and Nicole Land

Biographical Entry

Sally Farag Abdel-Aziz and Mustafa Toprak

Biographical Entry

Natalie Ann Hendry

Biographical Entry

Susan C. Rodger

Biographical Entry

Teija Koskela, Raisa Harju-Autti and Hanna-Maija Sinkkonen

Biographical Entry

Christine Mbuve Wasanga and Josephine Ndanu Musau

Biographical Entry

Cynthia R. Comacchio

Biographical Entry

Anja Heikkinen

Biographical Entry

Mulugeta Zemuy

Biographical Entry

Emma Cooper and Rachel Heydon

Biographical Entry

Hanna Toiviainen, Jaakko Hyytiä and Paula Kuusipalo

Biographical Entry

Burcu Seher Çalıkoğlu and Çiğdem Nilüfer Umar

Biographical Entry

Rahila Muhibi

Biographical Entry

Indika Liyanage

Biographical Entry

Liang Cao and Huamei Han

Biographical Entry

Hyab Teklehaimanot Yohannes and Samson Maekele Tsegay

Biographical Entry

Elina Turjanmaa and Tuuli Kurki

Biographical Entry

Yahya Han ERBAS

Biographical Entry

Jenny Chesters

Biographical Entry

Kate C. Tilleczek

Biographical Entry

Tomi Kiilakoski

Biographical Entry

Vitor Sérgio Ferreira

Biographical Entry

Sandra García de Fez

Biographical Entry

Daniel Romer

Biographical Entry

Wendy Chan

Biographical Entry

Ibrahim M. Karkouti

Biographical Entry

Akira Sakai

Biographical Entry

Marie-Paule Martel-Reny and Paul L. Gareau

Biographical Entry

Arto Kallioniemi and Arniika Kuusisto

Biographical Entry

Yıldız Kızılabdullah

Biographical Entry

Cindy Dell Clark and Gina Monahan

Biographical Entry

Jacqueline Ullman

Biographical Entry

Nicole Land and Shemine Gulamhusein

Biographical Entry

Jukka Lehtonen

Biographical Entry

Aliki Kosyfologou and Yvonne Kosma

Biographical Entry

Kim Calder Stegemann and Nan Stevens

Biographical Entry

Heba Kotb and Hala A. Hak

Biographical Entry

Kristiina Lappalainen, Katariina Waltzer and Risto Hotulainen

Biographical Entry

Marie Therese A. P. Bustos

Biographical Entry

Esra Erbas and Yahya Han Erbas

Biographical Entry

Anne Burke and Chinwe Ogolo

Biographical Entry

Ibrahim M. Karkouti

Biographical Entry

Levent Çetinkaya

Biographical Entry

Cindy Dell Clark and Joseph Roman

Biographical Entry

Jenny Chesters

Biographical Entry

Amanda Benjamin

Biographical Entry

Thomas DeVere Wolsey

Biographical Entry

Sanna Aaltonen

Biographical Entry

Jenny Chesters

Biographical Entry

Maria Eugenia Longo and Alice Gaudreau

Biographical Entry

Ibrahim M. Karkouti

Biographical Entry

Katariina Mertanen

Biographical Entry

Baris Uslu

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